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a plate of food with broccoli


How I went Green in LSE Halls

By StudentGuest 20 Oct 2023

From late-night study sessions to impromptu dancing in the common room, my time in the halls was unforgettable. And guess what else? I tried my best to embrace sustainability and live a ‘green’ life! Let me spill the tea by reflecting on my incredible journey of turning my halls life into a sustainable adventure 🥳 

Becoming a consciously low-waste foodie 🥗 

My grocery shopping methods got an upgrade. I ditched the plastics 🛍️ and instead switched to reusable textile bags or tote bags. Oh, and coffee lovers, please welcome a reusable coffee mug in your life, to avoid buying single-use ones!  

Pro tip: Keep your reusables in your bag, in case of spontaneous grocery shopping or grabbing a hot drink! 

When it comes to what and how I eat, I’ve decided to: 

  1. Consume a plant-based diet and control my portions, so I don’t have food waste on my plate (since this waste contributes to greenhouse gas emissions) 
  2. Meal prep/plan for the week, so that when I go shopping, I only buy what I need and also save on cooking time during the week. 
  3. Make sure if I have any food reaching expiry, to either cook that first or share it with my flatmates or other hall residence rather than wasting it. 

I get it, cooking at times can be advanced calculus. This is why in my friendship group we had ‘Potlucks’. Where each person brings over a dish and then you have a feast which is budget-friendly and sustainable, as you normally have no leftovers this way! It is also a very fun way to spend an evening 🎊 

Sustainable Cleaning methods that sparkle! 🧹 

I get it, we are students and time is like gold dust for us! Hence, we need to do our cleaning quickly and efficiently so we can get on with other important matters! I felt I didn’t need to use a vacuum cleaner since a dustpan, brush set, and a broomstick did the job and also consumed no electricity. And in the kitchen, purchasing reusable fabric wipes/sponges instead of using tissue paper every time to save paper!  

Sustainability isn't a trend; it's a lifestyle choice. Make it fun, get involved, raise awareness, and have a go at what you can do this year at your Hall! 

Stay green! 🌳 

LSE Halls Resident

