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Exam Tips!

By WardenImran 29 Mar 2023

Are you dreading the upcoming exam season and the stress it brings? Fear not! This article is here to rescue you with some amazing tips and tricks to help you plan and maximise your revision time. Say goodbye to exam anxiety and hello to a more productive and stress-free study experience!

  1.  First of all, we all need to accept that exams are hard work, and it is normal to feel overwhelmed at times. A few things can, however help you…
  2. Find a style that suits you. You may wish to study alone, in the library, or your room, or equally like to have people around you, such as the common room, or playing your music in the background. Make sure you find your style of space which suits you and makes you comfortable.
  3. Do not be too hard on yourself when it comes to a studying schedule. Plan your time effectively, and realistically so you are giving yourself manageable breaks and you’re not putting too much of a workload on yourself. Aim to do as many hours as you think is suitable each day and try not to get too bored with your subjects, maybe mixing the revision subjects up at times during the day can be more interesting.
  4. When you make notes make them personal to you. You can use highlighter pens, postcards, pictures and diagrams, and also colour coding which would have meaning and a particular system to you. This will help you remember things in a certain code for when you are revising.
  5. Look at past exam papers and any more questions that have been given out in the past. Practising with these will also helps you to get used to the time frames of the exam itself.
  6. Make sure you understand what you are studying, they may be moments where you did not understand a particular theory or a concept. The more you understand this the easier it is to remember, so feel free to reach out to your academic advisor or lecturer to fully understand something if you do not.
  7. Make sure you take regular breaks. This is something that will be good for your mind and help you manage any form of anxiety. Again, this will come into the planning stage of revision schedule. You should always ensure that the end of studying, you reward yourself. Maybe it is by watching your favourite TV show or movie perhaps!
  8. Remember to always ask for help. You have your department you can always reach out to, who can help you with any sort of academic questions you may have. However, there are well-being opportunities all around the University and here is a link to them so you can find something suitable, which may be more helpful for you, whether this is well being on a general basis or more specific well-being if you are stressed out at the exam period time.

I hope you find these tips, helpful!


Tips, Exams, Stress,