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Support & Wellbeing

Your Residence Contract

By ConductTeam 30 Aug 2022

This article is part of a series on behaviour and communal living issues in residences. In this article, we’ll cover:

  • What your residence contract is

  • How it protects you

  • How to avoid breaching its terms

What is your residence contract?


Your residence contract is a formal contract between you and the University. It sets out your rights while you’re occupying the accommodation, and also the rules you must follow while you live with us. You can always find the most recent versions of the contract on the Contracts and Policies page.

When you accepted your accommodation offer, you also signed your residence contract. Your contract tells you what your rights are in accommodation, and the promises the University makes to you. This includes things like us keeping the flat fittings and fixtures in good working order, making sure you have electricity and running water in your flat, and the specific situations in which you can terminate your contract.

However, the contract includes your responsibilities too. Your signature on it formally states that you have read it and understand it, and that you accept that you are legally bound to follow its terms. If you breach these terms, the consequences can be very serious. It’s a long document with lots of important details, so it’s important you have a good understanding of it. 


Examples of contract breaches


Here are some examples of contractual breaches that often happen accidentally, when residents don't realise they're breaking the rules:

  • Smoking/vaping inside, or smoking/vaping too close to the doors and windows.

  • Bringing banned items like candles or fireworks into the accommodation.

  • Making noise during the protected Quiet Time periods (11:00 pm - 7:00 am every night, or at any time during exam periods).

  • Not locking flat doors, and/or open propping fire doors.

  • Leaving guests unattended. 

  • Covering fire detectors.

It’s important to know that ignorance of the terms of your contract isn’t an excuse for breaching it. It’s your responsibility to make sure that you understand the rules, so that you don’t break them accidentally!


Potential consequences of contract breaches


If you do breach the contract, there are several possible consequences. These include:

  • Having to pay the cost of any damage caused to your room or flat.

  • Being formally investigated for breaching your contract.

  • Receiving a formal warning, a fine, or other disciplinary consequences.

  • Your contract being terminated early, requiring you to leave the accommodation.

  • Being banned from visiting or staying in University accommodation in future.

Even if you think you remember your contract pretty well, it’s always worth looking over it again, just to be on the safe side. All the contracts are always available on the Contracts and Policies page. Make sure you check the correct one. There may be small changes each academic year, and the contract for USIC students is different to the general one.




If you don’t understand your contract, or you just need to talk it through with someone, your Residence Life Mentor can often help with common questions. If your situation is more complicated, you can always try getting in touch with the Accommodation Office to ask. If you want specific advice about a breach of your contract, and think you might be in trouble, you could get in touch with the Students’ Union Advice Centre, who are independent, and are there to support you. 


Hopefully this article has helped you to understand your residence contract, how it protects you, and how to avoid breaching its terms so you can enjoy your time in accommodation.

- The ACS Student Conduct Team