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Things to do in Sheffield

What is Give It A Go?

By BettyA 11 Jul 2023

Give it a Go is an activities programme that has been a part of Sheffield Students’ Union for 20 years and Residence Life students get a discount!

The programme aims to provide activities to a wide variety of students, from all different backgrounds! Over the years Give it a Go has enabled thousands of friendships, new experiences and global exchange to our students. All activities are run at a beginner’s level, so it doesn’t matter if they’ve never tried it before. There are no strings attached, just get involved.

Through Residence Life, students get exclusive discounts with the Give it a Go programme. Many of the activities in the programme are free, or very low price, but with Residence Life if an activity is priced over £2.50 a discount of £2 is given. When we offer Day Trips, you get a discount of £5 per trip.

Have a look at the Give a it Go calendar of events to see the activities on offer and to register.

Our Student Sports Clubs and Societies also work really closely with Give it a Go; many of them run sessions within the programme. This allows our students to try out being part of the society or sports club in a safe environment. We have found that students getting involved with Student Groups via the Give it a Go programme have gone on to be important members of a society or club, some even running for leadership positions within the committees!

The programme offers many activities. Our activities are categorized under the following headings:

  1.        Sport
  2.        Music and Dance
  3.        Creative
  4.        Mind, Body and Soul
  5.        Skills and Training
  6.        Languages
  7.        Other Fun Stuff and,
  8.        Day Trips

Many of our training and language-based courses are run by professional tutors, and all are run at a beginner’s level. Through Give it a Go, students who attend all the sessions of a particular course can get it recognised on their Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR). The HEAR is an extracurricular transcript that students get once they graduate, and can be used to aid employment after University.

Contact Info 

For more information about Give it a Go, please go to:


Twitter: @SUGiveitaGo

Instagram: @sugiveitago

For more detailed information or any further questions you may have about the programme, please email


Give it a Go, giag,