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Things to do in Sheffield

Explore Bole Hill (Self-guided walk)

By SheffieldReslifeEmma 05 Jul 2022

Sheffield is one of the greenest cities in the UK, boasting over 50 parks and green spaces!

Walking regularly is a great form of exercise, and isn't just good for your body - it's great for your mind, too!

Regular exercise will improve your mood and increase feelings of wellbeing - and it can even help relieve feelings of depression. Being outside in the fresh air has been linked to better mental wellbeing and reduced stress.

With this in mind, why not motivate the members of your household, put on a comfy pair of shoes, grab your coat, hat and gloves and get outside!

Residence Life has shown you some great urban walks for you to try.

See out route map and route written directions below for Bole Hill.

Other self- guided walks to try are Botanical Gardens and Endcliffe ParkCrookes Valley and Weston Park and Forge Dam.

Urban_Walk_-_Bole_Hills.pdf (221KB)
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SheffieldReslifeEmma Hi, I'm Emma. I work as part of the Residence Life Engagement & Development Team and I’m responsible for the Living and Learning programme.  What does this mean? Well I organise and coordinate educational and skills-based events and activities in the residences throughout the year.
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