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a person wearing a mask standing in front of a crowd, holding a sign saying 'hate is a virus'

Support & Wellbeing

What is Hate Crime?

By AnnabelK 05 Jul 2022

A hate crime is any crime that is thought to be motivated by hostility or prejudice, based on a person’s race or ethnicity, religion or belief, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. The term hate crime covers both criminal acts and ‘hate incidents’, which refers to non-crimes that are motivated by hostility - such as harassment, bullying, offensive gestures, and abusive posters. 

If you have been the victim of a hate crime, witnessed an incident, or have been told about an incident, you can report it to the University through Report and Support: the report can be made anonymously or with personal details and the incident details are then sent to Security, who decide whether or not the police should be contacted.

If you are concerned that you or someone else is in danger, at risk of harm, and needs immediate assistance, call University Security on 0114 222 4085 (0114 222 4444 in the case of an emergency - or 999).

You can find more information about reporting and support options via

Remember, you can always arrange to speak to your Residence Life Mentor or attend the Residence Life Mentor Drop-in.

You can also arrange to speak to a Student Support and Wellbeing Officer at Residence Life via email at


crime, hate, incident,