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Welcome to The Community Fridge

By SheffieldReslifeEmma 01 Sep 2022

What is the Community Fridge?

So you’ve bought too much food or your plans have changed and there’s food left in your fridge about to go off. Now you can drop food items off at the Community Fridge and someone else can make sure it doesn’t go to waste. Similarly, if you’re on a tight budget and money is tight, the fridge is an excellent option for you.

The community fridge is a place to drop off your surplus food that was destined for the bin, or pick up a snack or items for a meal when you’re short on food or cash

Why is there a Community Fridge?

Accommodation and Commercial Services, in collaboration with the Students’ Union, aims to tackle food wastage in the residences by encouraging students to share unwanted food.

Food waste is a big issue in the UK. The average household throws away £470 worth of food every year and at the same time 4 million people in the UK are living in food poverty. Most food waste in the UK (4.1 million tonnes or 61%) is avoidable and could have been eaten had it been better managed.

Where is the Community Fridge located?

There are two fridges:

  • One in The Edge Hub
  • One in The Ridge Common Room

The fridge will be open daily, from 8am-10pm.

Who can use the Community Fridge?

Everyone!!  The food in the fridge needs to go, so please don’t be shy, it’s there for you!

SheffieldReslifeEmma profile picture

SheffieldReslifeEmma Hi, I'm Emma. I work as part of the Residence Life Engagement & Development Team and I’m responsible for the Living and Learning programme.  What does this mean? Well I organise and coordinate educational and skills-based events and activities in the residences throughout the year.
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