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Accommodation Info

Veezu Safe Rides

By echorley 15 Sep 2023

Stuck or run out of money and need to get home safely? Veezu has got you sorted.

We proudly partner with Veezu taxis for their Veezu Safe Rides scheme. If you've run out of money and need to get home, you can call a Veezu taxi on 0114 239 3939 and say "Veezu Safe Rides", they'll pick you up and get you home, you then use your Ucard as temporary payment (maximum taxi fare £10).

Your driver will drop your UCard off at the SU within the next 48 hours with the receipt for the journey, you will need to head down to pay the balance, and your UCard will be returned to you. 

echorley profile picture

echorley I'm Emma Chorley, the Marketing and Communications Executive for accommodation services at UoS.
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