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Student Blog: Three reasons why I decided to continue to living in University Accommodation!

By AkiraBanerjee 08 Oct 2019

This September was very special for me as I completed three years of living in University accommodation. When I came to the University of Sheffield in 2016 to begin my undergraduate degree in Psychology, I did not know that I would like the university accommodation so much that I would continue living here as a returner for as long as I did my degree!

In my first year, I lived in Endcliffe (to be precise Burbage D3!) and from the very first moment of checking in I absolutely fell in love with the place and even more with Endcliffe so much so that I decided to continue living in university-owned accommodation for the next two years!

It was, however, more than just loving the accommodation and vibrant culture that motivated this decision. Here are my top three reasons why I decided to stay it the University-owned accommodation during my entire undergraduate period and am continuing even during my Masters!

  • Returners are welcome!

One of the most amazing things about the University accommodation is that its not only for first year but is open to all the students, even returners! When I decided to stay, I contacted the Accommodation Office and I remember how helpful the entire team was. They explained the different accommodation options, what rooms were available,  the rents etc., all important information that helped me make an informed decision.

Furthermore, they sorted out all the formalities in less than a week, drew my contract and helped me through the process of submitting the deposit! And all of this was done before my final exams of the first year! So, this meant I was all sorted for my next year's accommodation and did not have to worry. 

  • Residence Life

The second reason that motivated me to live on-campus was being a part of the Residence Life. Every student living in University-owned accommodation is part of Residence Life, this means you get to go to a wide variety of activities, events and get discounted tickets for Give it A Go and Sport Sheffield.

During my first year, I went to activities such as Yoga, Zumba,  social dinners, pumpkin carving, Bole Hill Firework Walk, Movie marathons and many Give it A Go day trips. I knew that coming back to university accommodation as a returner would enable me to access all these activities all over again!  Additionally, being a part of Residence Life meant that I received help, support and guidance from the Residence Life Mentors which was a great help!

  • Security and Services

Finally, (and the reason that helped my parents feel safe and secured for me!) was the overall services and the high level of security! As an international student, one of the main concerns that my parents had was pertaining to my security, especially as they did not have a chance to visit the accommodation site during the open days. However, when I checked in, I was extremely impressed by the level of security and help that was constantly available 24/7 at The Edge Customer Services Desk, the constant patrolling by security staff and the CCTV cameras around the accommodation areas.

Overall, every single aspect of the University Accommodation experience during my first year at Endcliffe was 10 out of 10 and ticked every single box.

So, if you have just moved in and are enjoying all the above things, why not think about where you may want to live next year and hopefully you will choose to come back to stay with the University again!

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AkiraBanerjee Hey all! I am Akira a current MSc in Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience student at the department of psychology at Sheffield. I am an international student from India and I have been in Sheffield for over three years now. I hope you find something you can relate to in my blogs about life as a student at the University of Sheffield and the experience of living at the university accommodation!
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