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Accommodation Info

Quieter Accommodation

By epickersgill 08 Jul 2022

We understand that some students may prefer to live in a quieter environment, which is why for 2022-23 we are trialling the option to select Quieter Accommodation when applying to live with us. It is not intended, nor possible, that this accommodation will be entirely quiet at all times as internal and external noises cannot be eliminated. Rather, residents who select this option choose to live with like-minded individuals and agree to guidelines regarding noise and guests with their flatmates. 


Q - What are the guidelines regarding noise and guests?

A - At the start of the academic year, Residence Life Mentors will support residents to create a Community Living Agreement with their flatmates. Here, residents will agree to their own guidelines for living together and this will include any additional conditions regarding noise and guests that residents wish to agree to.

Q - Will I still be able to take part in the social life of University Accommodation?

A - Absolutely. Residents of Quieter Accommodation will have the same access as all other residents to facilities, events and activities, and the Residence Life mentor service. 

Q - Does this mean other accommodation options are noisy?

A - Not at all. All residents of our accommodation are required to adhere to ‘Quiet Time’, which means keeping noise levels to a minimum between 11pm and 7am and 24 hours during the Exam Period. 

Q- Am I guaranteed Quieter Accommodation if I select it?

A - We only have a limited amount of Quieter Accommodation available. Therefore unfortunately we cannot guarantee that all applicants who select this option will be allocated Quieter Accommodation. 

Q - Is Quieter Accommodation more expensive than standard accommodation?

A -  The rent for a room in Quieter Accommodation is the same as for an equivalent room not part of the Quieter Accommodation scheme.

If you'd like any more information please contact;

  • Accommodation Office (
  • Residence Life (

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:


quiet, acccomodation,