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Support & Wellbeing

Making Friends

By epickersgill 05 Jul 2022

Starting University often means making new friends and for some of us that can be a daunting prospect. We want you to settle into the residences and make friends, and a really good way of doing this is by attending Residence Life Activities. 

We understand that sometimes the thought of going there on your own can be overwhelming. We have a number of Engagement and Development Assistants and Residence Life Mentors that attend these events: they are all current students and know how hard it can be when you don’t know anyone so they are more than happy to support you once you are there.

You will receive a weekly email with events listed and you should have received a programme of events on Arrivals weekend.

For some students, joining a society is a great way to meet people who are interested in the same things as you, such as sports, hobbies, or academic interests. You can find more information on societies here:

Remember, if you have any questions, you can always arrange to speak to your Residence Life Mentor or attend the Residence Life Mentor Drop-in.

You can also arrange to speak to a Student Support and Wellbeing Officer at Residence Life via email at

Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

