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Accommodation Info

How to... Understand Deposits

By AccommodationTeam 10 Jul 2023

Why do you take a deposit?

If any issues are found in your accommodation during an inspection or after you’ve moved out, you may be charged out of the £150 deposit that you paid when you accepted your contract to put them right.

When will I find out if I’ve been charged?

We’ll email you throughout the year if any charges are identified. This could be during an inspection, by your cleaner or by maintenance staff.

  • If the charges are for a problem in shared areas, the cost will be split between everyone in the apartment, house or block unless the individual who caused the damage is identified.
  • If the charges are for a problem in your bedroom or en-suite, you will be responsible for the cost.

How is my deposit connected to inspections?

Your accommodation is inspected twice throughout the year and after you’ve moved out to make sure it’s being kept clean and tidy, and to identify any damage to the property, fixtures and fittings.

  • If charges amount to less than £150, they will be taken from your deposit and the rest will be returned to your bank account.
  • If charges amount to more than £150, you will be sent a link to make payment via the University’s payment portal.

Find out more

For more information about deposits visit