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UoS security team

Accommodation Info

How to... Stay safe in the Residences

By echorley 12 Oct 2021

Staying safe in the residences

Sheffield is an amazing city and ranks favourably against other large cities in the UK for safety. The security team also operates 24/7 and conduct patrols around the residences and the wider campus - however, even with all these procedures in place you should never rest on your laurels and should always actively keep yourself safe. 

It’s crime reduction fortnight, so we’re highlighting some key ways to stay safe:

Tailgating, it’s not just for cars…

Tailgating refers to someone following you into a building, perhaps by hanging around an entrance waiting for someone to open a door or walking in behind you. If you notice someone loitering and you suspect they may try to follow you through a fob/key access only door, you can always turn around and walk to the nearest Customer Service reception to report this. 

Lock your doors & windows

This sounds obvious, but it’s easy to forget if you’re in a rush - this especially applies to the front door to your flat/house. Don’t leave your flat door propped open or on the lock, as this provides easy access should someone seek to gain access to your residence. If you notice your flat/housemate leaving doors unlocked or easily accessible it’s best to have a word with them, if you don’t feel comfortable doing this or are met with resistance, you can escalate it to your Residence Life Mentor who can have the conversation. 

Windows are another point of entry for unscrupulous individuals, so always make sure you close your windows when you leave your residence - this includes windows in your kitchen area. We also advise students not to leave valuables in view of the windows, just in case someone spots something expensive and sees it as an easy opportunity.  

Don’t tamper with fire doors/entrances

All entry points for the University residences require either a key, fob, or code to gain access. These measures, however cumbersome they may seem at times, are there for your safety and should not be tampered with. It’s also vital that you report any issues that arise with entry points so these can be addressed. 

Get a bike lock

Students are advised to use a Sold Secure tested 'Gold' standard lock on their bicycle to keep it secure. This is the best type of bike lock as it is the most difficult to break.

Security is there if you need them

Most importantly - in case of emergency you should always contact the Security Team on 0114 222 4444.

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echorley I'm Emma Chorley, the Marketing and Communications Executive for accommodation services at UoS.
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