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How to... Save Water

By SheffieldReslifeEmma 13 May 2022

Our water initiative project invites you to think about how you could be more water-efficient by making small changes in your day-to-day life.

The average person in the UK uses approximately 150 litres of water daily, a figure that has continually risen since 1930 and one that you can help manage yourself.

Quick Tips!

  • Notice a drip? Report it to maintenance!
  • Dripping taps are a huge waste of water and are usually a quick fix.
  • Only boil what you need - don't overfill the kettle with water you won't use.
  • Added bonus, less water means it'll boil faster.

Fill up those washing machines
Before starting your washing machine, wait for a full load - you’ll be able to save energy and water.

Healthy teeth, healthy rivers
Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth - a running tap wastes over 6 litres per minute.

Short showers save water
Take shorter showers! The longer you spend getting squeaky clean, the more water is headed straight down the drain.

Chilled water
Fill a jug with tap water and leave it to cool in your fridge. This way you don’t have to run the tap for ages just to get a cold drink.

Sparkling clean
By washing your fruit and veg in a bowl rather than under a running tap, you could cut down on water waste effortlessly.

SheffieldReslifeEmma profile picture

SheffieldReslifeEmma Hi, I'm Emma. I work as part of the Residence Life Engagement & Development Team and I’m responsible for the Living and Learning programme.  What does this mean? Well I organise and coordinate educational and skills-based events and activities in the residences throughout the year.
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