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How to.... Decorate your flat safely

By SheffieldReslifeEmma 15 Nov 2022

The Holiday season is right around the corner, and we know that some of our students like to make their residence feel festive!

Residence Life put on events and celebrations throughout the year for various cultural and religious events, and there will be lots of opportunity to get involved in some festivities (Check out our events tab!). When it comes to decorating your own residences there are some things you need to keep in mind, not only to keep everyone safe, but also stop you causing accidental damage. 

  • If you’re using fairy lights, then please use battery pack ones.
  • Don’t hang garland style decorations in the kitchen area as they are a fire risk. Don’t hang them so low that it stops you walking safely down the corridors and fire exits.
  • Don't use real candles inside! Try battery powered ones. 
  • If you want a tree, then we suggest a small one in the corner of the room
  • Don't use tape to secure decorations to the wall - it will take off the paint! 

We hope that you still enjoy decorating, and promise we are not just trying to spoil your fun! 

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SheffieldReslifeEmma Hi, I'm Emma. I work as part of the Residence Life Engagement & Development Team and I’m responsible for the Living and Learning programme.  What does this mean? Well I organise and coordinate educational and skills-based events and activities in the residences throughout the year.
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