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Support & Wellbeing

External Support Services

By AnnabelK 23 Jul 2020

Here's some useful signposting and contact information on the wide range of support available to you as a student in Sheffield and beyond. You're welcome!

Physical Health

NHS Walk In Centre

Open from 8.00am-10.00pm, 365 days a year, the NHS Walk In Centre on Broad Lane provides help, support, treatment and advice for most common illnesses that are urgent but not life threatening. You don’t need to be registered at the service to have an appointment. Simply turn up to be seen by one of the care clinicians.

Mental Health 

Young Minds

Young Minds is a national charity that works to improve the emotional wellbeing and mental health of all children and young people. The website provides detailed information for young people about their mental health, access to resources and where to find support and help.

The Mix

The Mix is a UK based charity that provides free confidential support to young people under 25. They give information on a range of issues, from mental health to sex and relationships, crime and safety, housing and work. They offer a dedicated helpline on 0808 808 4994 between 4pm - 11pm everyday. Check out how you can contact them:

More info:

Mental Health and Money Advice

Mental Health and Money Advice is an online resource that provides clear, practical advice and support for those who are experiencing issues with mental health and money.


Togetherall is an online mental health and wellbeing service offering ‘self-help programmes, creative outlets and a community that cares'. Enter your details and activate your registration by clicking on the link sent to your email address.


Check out this wellbeing guide available here from Blackbullion.

Sheffield Mental Health Services

Rethink Mental Illness

Rethink Mental Illness is a national mental health charity.  It provides a range of information on their website about national and local services. 

Sheffield Helpline – a telephone support service for anyone affected by mental health issues. This service runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 0808 801 0440. The helpline is operated by staff at the crisis accommodation so they might not always be able to answer immediately. Please try again.


The Samaritans offer emotional support 24 hours a day. You can call them on 116 123, 365 days a year, or email them at In response to Covid-19, the in-person service at the Sheffield branch has been suspended.

Sheffield Nightline

Sheffield Nightline is a telephone and e-mail listening service run by trained student volunteers. Find out everything you need to know about it here.

Single Point of Access (SPA)

The SPA manages patient referrals from health professionals into all community mental health services. The SPA triages all referrals, including self-referrals, to determine the need and urgency for assessment. In order to be referred to or access the service, an individual must be registered with a GP practice in the City of Sheffield. They can be contacted 24/7 on 0114 226 3636.

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)

The IAPT NHS service provides free psychological therapies to adults suffering from mild to moderate depression, anxiety or stress, CBT therapy and counselling. You can self-refer online:  In response to Covid-19, the courses are delivered online, and one-to-one telephone and Skype appointments are on offer. 

Sheffield Mind

Sheffield Mind offers a number of different services across the city for people who are experiencing mental health problems, as well as for the carers supporting them. This includes free counselling and psychotherapy to adults registered with a Sheffield GP, providing they meet the eligibility criteria. Self referrals or referrals from other professionals are accepted.

Sheffield Flourish

Sheffield Flourish is a charity which works collaboratively on innovative digital and community projects, recognising the untapped strengths of people who have experienced mental health challenges. Check out their website, it features personal stories about mental health in the city:

Sheffield Flourish manage the Sheffield Mental Health Guide for local services, activities and support related to mental health and wellbeing. Create a personal toolkit. Set goals, journal, show gratitude, and save resources and activities in one private online space.

Door 43

Door 43 offers support to 13-25 year olds on a range of emotional wellbeing issues. The service focuses on early intervention and low level support and is not a specialist mental health service. Door 43 offers a number of services including: a drop in, one to one support, wellbeing cafes and social prescribing spaces. For more information, check out their website or email .

Share Psychotherapy

Share Psychotherapy is a Sheffield-based organisation and registered charity offering psychotherapy services to everyone, including those who are economically disadvantaged or who, for other reasons, cannot obtain such help. Costs for therapy sessions are £15 per session for students, regardless of income.

Strong Minds Together

Strong Minds Together is a Sheffield based mental health support group. They run face to face groups for men on Tuesdays between 7pm - 9pm. These are facilitated by a Counsellor, with a game of football at 8pm. They also run face to face groups for women on Thursdays between 7pm - 8.15pm. These are peer led, with trainees or professionals attending when available. All groups are free of charge, refreshments are provided.

For more information email:, or check out their website: .

Men Up North

Men Up North run informal meet ups. These require no sign up, are informal and run by volunteers. They are not coaching sessions or group therapy, but they are still a safe place to share, listen and gain an understanding of the different issues faced by men regarding mental health, and what it means to be a man in the present day. Check their website for information on when meet ups will recommence.

Open Door Music

Open Door Music is a mental health friendly enterprise group where people get together to jam, socialise, sing, build friendships and pursue musical ambitions. The groups are free.

No Panic

No Panic Sheffield deliver self-help support groups online. These take the form of a presentation and discussion around a mental health topic between 6.30 - 8.30 pm via Zoom every Wednesday from September. Based on CBT techniques and peer support, the groups aim to help people find ways of managing anxiety, including social anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, phobias and PTSD. Those with depression and low mood are also welcome.

OCD Action

OCD Action is a national charity that provides support and information to anybody who is affected by OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), and related conditions (BDD, Dermatillomania, Trichotillomania, Hoarding Disorder). OCD Action provides a helpline from 9.30am - 8pm Monday to Friday. This is a confidential and unbiased service offering help, information and support for people with OCD, their carers, or concerned friends or family. The helpline number is 0330 636 5478, which does not come with any extra charges. Their service can also be accessed via email: They offer support groups that meet online or over the phone. Here is a list of approximately 50 groups, including a few for parents or loved ones:

More info:

Early Intervention in Psychosis Service

The Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) Service is for people experiencing first episode psychosis (including psychosis associated with trauma or substance abuse), and for those individuals ‘at high risk of developing psychosis’. Service users are eligible for EIP services on first presentation to a mental health service with sustained psychotic symptoms lasting longer than 7 days, irrespective of the duration of untreated psychosis. If the primary problem is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or Personality Disorder then treatment is likely to be better offered through a different service.  Referrals can be made via the Single Point of Access (see above), or the University Health Service.

Emotional Wellbeing Service

The Emotional Wellbeing Service (EWS) is a multi-disciplinary team, which offers assessment, advice and support to primary care, and brief intervention for service users who don’t require on-going secondary care services. It also acts as a transitional step for service users moving through their care journey, “stepping up” at times of concern and “stepping down” to on-going support within a person’s own community. The service aims to bridge the gap between primary and secondary mental health care in Sheffield. To access this service, you would need to self refer via the Single Point of Access service (see above).


Project 6

Project 6, Alcohol Recovery Community is a local charity providing information, advice, and support to people concerned with their own or someone else’s drinking.

Sheffield Treatment and Recovery Service

The Alcohol Service provided by the Sheffield Treatment and Recovery Team offers free support to anyone over the age of 18 who lives in Sheffield. They provide information, advice, support to begin a journey to recovery, or if you’re affected by someone else’s drinking. The Alcohol Service will see people who have been referred within 7 days. The service carries out an assessment, and agrees a plan for your care. This might include talking therapies, care from the medical and nursing teams, peer support groups and employment support specialists. 

You can make a referral by ringing 0114 305 0500, or emailing The Alcohol Service also accepts referrals from any professional, including GPs, social workers, pharmacists or probation workers. In response to Covid-19, the services are being delivered via telephone and video calls.

Northern Gambling Service

Northern Gambling Service provides specialist addiction therapy and recovery to people in the north of England, including Sheffield. They support those affected by gambling addiction, as well as those with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, trauma, and suicidal feelings. They also offer support to people affected by someone’s gambling. They offer psychological therapies, addiction treatment programmes, mental health treatment, family therapy and peer support. You can self refer by calling 0300 300 1490, or emailing

Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous runs free self-help groups for people who want to stop taking, and stay off drugs, using the 12-step programme. UKNA offers a helpline on 0300 999 1212 which is available from 10am until midnight every day of the year.

Eating Disorders

South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association (SYEDA)

SYEDA is a local independent charity supporting people affected by eating disorders in South Yorkshire. 

Peer Support Groups – They offer support groups to people with an eating disorder, and friends and family. These take place on the first Tuesday of the month from 7.00 - 8.30pm via Zoom.  There’s no need to book or make a referral to attend. If you’re attending for the first time, then the facilitators will be happy to introduce themselves and explain more about the group. Email for further details.

Eating Disorders Service

Sheffield Eating Disorders Service provides support and treatment to people aged 16 and over who have a moderate or severe eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia. Self referral is available. In response to Covid-19, they are offering support and appointments online and over the phone.

Sexual Health & Relationships

Sexual Health Sheffield

Sexual Health Sheffield is an NHS run service which offers a range of free and confidential sexual health services to people of all genders in Sheffield. They work to promote safer sex and positive sexual health and well-being choices, alongside preventing the spread of HIV and sexually transmitted infections in the city. These services work to a holistic model of sexual health acknowledging the political, social, and cultural factors alongside health inequalities that affect and determine people’s sexual health as well as the role played by individual experience, emotions, sexuality and spirituality. Their approach affirms people’s right to sex which is consensual, mutual, equal, pleasurable and satisfying. 

They usually run a sexual health clinic in Sheffield at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital. In response to Covid-19, they only offer essential face-to-face appointments. For sexual health advice call 0114 226 8888. STI self testing kits are available to request here: .

More info:

Relationship and Sexual Service

This service is for adults who are experiencing relationship difficulties or sexual problems. Often these may relate to the mental and emotional aspects of sexuality or have underlying psychological causes.

Relate South Yorkshire

Relate is a national charity that helps couples, families and individuals to make their relationships work better. They offer advice, relationship counselling, workshops, mediation, consultations and support. This isn’t a free service. Check the website for counselor availability in Sheffield and prices:

Pit Stop

Pitstop+ usually offer a free and confidential weekly sexual health drop-in service for gay and bisexual men and men who have sex with men (MSM). However, in response to Covid-19, they only offer essential face-to-face appointments. For sexual health advice call 0114 226 8888.

Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence


Saffron, formerly Sheffield Women’s Counselling and Therapy Service (SWCTS), is a specialist service providing free, confidential counselling and therapy services to women in Sheffield who have experienced abuse and/or trauma. This includes health or medical related trauma, traumatic bereavement, exploitation, witnessing or being involved in a crime. Their main focus is on one-to-one therapy. Saffron also runs therapeutic group activities to help women to feel more in control in their lives, support themselves to manage stress, and feel good about themselves. Self refer by registering this way: .

More info:

Vida Sheffield

Vida Sheffield is an independent voluntary sector organisation. They offer a variety of services which also include: Eva Therapy Service – trauma focused counselling and therapy for women and girls affected by abuse and trauma – both one-to-one and group work programmes. Eva Women’s Group – a crafts based support group for women who have experienced or are currently experiencing abuse.


IDAS is a specialist charity in Yorkshire that supports anyone experiencing or affected by domestic abuse or sexual violence. The services they provide include refuge accommodation, community based support, peer mentoring, group work and access to a free and confidential 24/7 helpline on 0808 808 2241. IDAS also have teams of accredited specialist workers (IDVAs) in Sheffield who support people through the criminal justice system, as well as providing emotional support and safety planning advice.

Domestic Abuse Coordination Team (DACT)

DACT has responsibility for domestic abuse services in Sheffield. The Sheffield Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 808 2241 is available Monday – Friday 8.00am – 8.00pm and Saturday 9.00am – 5.00pm (excluding bank holidays). You can call the helpline to talk with an experienced worker and/or work through which services might work best for you. Out of these hours you can call the National Domestic Violence Helpline 24/7 – 0808 2000 247.

If you don’t want to speak on the phone or it is unsafe for you to do so, you can email the helpline on to ask for advice and information. Search for help here: .

More info:

Sheffield Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (SRASAC)

SRASAC is a specialist service offering free and confidential support to anyone who has experienced rape or sexual abuse at any time in their life. Their services are completely confidential and independent of the police. SRASAC’s Information and Support Line: Tel: 07517 100 757 offers practical support for individuals and professionals who want to know more about our service. They offer specialist counselling support alongside Independent Sexual Violence Advice for people considering reporting to the police or who are involved with the criminal justice system as victims.  

The Survivors Trust helpline is open to all gender on 08088 010 818, and the National Rape Crisis Helpline for women and girls is 0808 802 9999 from 12 noon – 2.30pm and 7pm – 9.30pm 7 days a week.  Both are free and confidential.

For more information go to:


Trans Active

Trans Active is a local group that aims to help support the trans and non binary community in Sheffield to socialise, improve mental wellbeing and physical fitness through sport and exercise in a safe and relaxed environment. For more information and dates of sporting activities, email, or check Facebook:


SAYiT is a Sheffield based charity that work with young people who identify as LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning+), offering support groups, practical advice and social opportunities.

Gender Identity Service

The Gender Identity Clinic supports adults living in Sheffield who have concerns about their gender identity. People who attend the service may be seeking a range of assessment, advice and treatment options, including psychosocial transitional support or medical treatment to alleviate gender identity distress. In response to Covid-19, they are offering video consultations. They don't accept self-referrals, so speak to your GP in Sheffield if you would like to access their service.

Cultural Identity

Our Mel

Our Mel is a leading social enterprise that is rooted in Yorkshire and based in Sheffield. They are dedicated to exploring cultural identity, Black history and what it means to be a person of colour in Britain today.