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Donate Don't Waste


Donate, Don't Waste 2023

By echorley 19 May 2022

As you prepare to move out of your accommodation, you might find that you've ended up with more things than you arrived with, including stuff you no longer need. 

That's where Donate, Don't Waste comes in - the scheme encourages students to donate any unwanted items to our charity partners and helps divert items from waste streams that could otherwise go to good use. It saves you taking things back home that'll end up being unused/replaced or in the bin, plus it raises vital funds for a range of charities. 

There are donation boxes for the British Heart Foundation onsite year-round in the following locations:

  • Allen Court
  • Broad Lane Court
  • Burbage
  • Cratcliffe
  • Crewe Tennis Court
  • Shore Court
  • The Edge
  • The Ridge

British Heart Foundation accepts clothes, shoes, accessories, books, DVDs etc.

We have donation points for the Sheffield 6 Foodbank in place at the following locations:

  • The Edge Hub
  • The Ridge Common Room
  • Allen Court Common Room

Sheffield 6 Foodbank accepts non-perishable food, UHT milk (urgently required), tinned meat (meatballs etc), tinned fruit, tinned vegetables, rice, toiletries,  and more.

Duvets and pillows

The British Heart Foundation does not accept duvets or bedding. Please do not put these in the donation boxes or into the general waste bins. 

If you need help with donating items, our environmental coordinator is happy to help you! If you'd like to arrange for items to be picked up from your building lobby, or aren't sure what to donate, please email Andy Woffindin at

Key Stats

Since starting in 2013, the Donate, Don't Waste scheme has helped students in Sheffield to divert 58,670 bags of useable items from landfills by donating them to the British Heart Foundation.

This is equivalent to:

  • £927,000 worth of donations (the British Heart Foundation value each bag at an average of £14)
  • 469 tonnes of items
  • 4,776,677kg CO2 equivalent (compared to being sent to landfill)
  • Over 9.5t of food has been donated by students to S6 Foodbank since 2015, equating to 17,465 meals.
echorley profile picture

echorley I'm Emma Chorley, the Marketing and Communications Executive for accommodation services at UoS.
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