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Support & Wellbeing

Dealing with Academic Pressure and Course Concerns

By epickersgill 05 Jul 2022

We know that, at times, when you are studying, the pressure of being on a University course can feel overwhelming. We want you to know that this feeling is common and most students will feel this pressure at some point in their studies.

Sometimes you may feel that maybe you are not on the right course, or that the course is not what you expected. It could be that the move to University has left you feeling overwhelmed or it could be that you feel that you are not studying the right thing or in the right place.

How you manage this is important. Getting support when you start to feel the pressure is the best way of preventing you from feeling out of control; using healthy coping mechanisms will enable you to learn skills to manage these feelings in the future.

You may find the below useful:

You can get more information here:

Remember, you can always arrange to speak to your Residence Life Mentor or attend the Residence Life Mentor Drop-in.

You can also arrange to speak to a Student Support and Wellbeing Officer at Residence Life via email at