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Support & Wellbeing

Combatting Homesickness

By epickersgill 01 Sep 2022

No matter how much you’ve been looking forward to moving into halls, it is completely normal to feel homesick. Whether you were worried before you arrived or not, the combination of a new place and new people can feel very overwhelming and you may long for the familiarity of the people and things you know well.

Be reassured that this will pass as you settle into your new home and become closer friends with the people you have met. Look at the Residence Life events programme in the 'Events' tab and take every opportunity you can to meet new people and try new things. You will find that time helps - before you know it, you won’t want to leave!

You can access information about Residence Life events through Instagram, @residence_life

You can also find more information about support via

Remember, you can always arrange to speak to your Residence Life Mentor or attend the Residence Life Mentor Drop-in.

You can also arrange to speak to a Student Support and Wellbeing Officer at Residence Life via email at

Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

