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Support & Wellbeing

Building Healthy Relationships

By epickersgill 05 Jul 2022

Coming to University is an opportunity for developing new relationships with people, whether that be friends, course mates, romantic, or sexual relationships. It is important to feel confident in knowing what is a healthy relationship. 

Sometimes it can be hard to build relationships when we are in a new environment and we can feel pressure to be someone we are not to fit in. Also, as time goes by, the relationships we made at the start of the semester can change and tensions can build with flatmates, course mates, and friends. This is normal and how you navigate this will impact on how you feel coming out the other side of these tensions.

We also have our existing relationships, which can change when we come to university: this can include partners, siblings, parents, carers, and our friends from home. We all need to be able to feel we can manage these changes.

If at any point you do not feel a relationship you are in is safe, please seek support.

Here are some places where you can find out more about healthy relationships: 

IDAS, the largest specialist charity in Yorkshire

Providing comprehensive support and advice to victims and survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence.  Their services include;

Their teams of accredited specialist workers (IDVA’s and ISVAs) support people through the criminal justice system in addition to providing emotional support and safety planning advice.

They offer confidential and free 24 hour helplines...

  • North Yorkshire and Barnsley helpline on: 03000 110 110
  • Sheffield helpline on: 0808 808 2241

...and support via a Live Chat service available daily. Find out more info here.

IDAS have developed two free online courses, which explore the issues around domestic abuse and sexual violence. Register here

Interested in getting involved? Find out more here about volunteering and fundraising opportunities with IDAS. 

Finally, here is a comprehensive list of other help available. 

The Student Wellbeing Blog, run by the University’s Student Wellbeing Service
Information from the University
Verywell Mind
An external resource for information on mental health topics -
Women’s Aid’s

Remember, if you’re not sure who to speak to, you can always arrange to speak to your Residence Life Mentor or attend the Residence Life Mentor Drop-in.

You can also arrange to speak to a Student Support and Wellbeing Officer at Residence Life via email at


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