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Exam Tip: Use Flashcards to Help You Memorise Important Information

By Konrad 01 May 2024

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When it comes to studying for exams, one of the most effective techniques for memorising important information is using flashcards. Flashcards are a powerful tool for helping you retain information and recall it quickly when you need it.

Here are some reasons why using flashcards can be helpful during exam season:

  1. Active recall: Flashcards encourage active recall, which means you're actively engaging with the information you need to remember. This helps to strengthen neural connections and improve long-term memory.
  2. Bite-sized learning: Flashcards allow you to break down large amounts of information into smaller, more manageable pieces. This makes it easier to study and retain the information.
  3. Portable and convenient: Flashcards are easy to carry with you, so you can study on-the-go. This makes them a convenient tool for fitting in some extra study time during your daily commute or in between classes. They can also sit on your phone but be careful and vigilant when you’re out and about revising using your smart device.
  4. Customisable: You can create your own flashcards, which means you can tailor them to your specific needs and the content you need to learn.

Here are some tips for using flashcards effectively:

  1. Start early: Start creating your flashcards well in advance of your exams. This will give you enough time to use them effectively.
  2. Keep them concise: Make sure the information on each flashcard is clear and concise. Use bullet points or short sentences to keep the information focused and easy to remember.
  3. Test yourself: Use the flashcards to test yourself regularly. This will help you identify areas where you need to focus your studying and reinforce your memory of the information.
  4. Use visual aids: Consider using visual aids on your flashcards to help reinforce your memory of the information. This could be a diagram, chart, or image related to the topic.

External Resources:

  1. Quizlet:
  2. Flashcard Machine:
  3. Anki:
  4. StudyBlue:


Exams, exam tips,