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Why YOU should join a society

By SeanAndAilson 12 Aug 2019

Now that you're all moved into your accommodation and have met your flatmates, have you managed to join any societies?

It should be pretty high up on your priority list!

We're Sean and Ailson and we both believe that our university experience would be VERY different without being part of a club/society. In our first year especially, it was one of the best things we did and we encourage you to get involved now that you're an official Fresher. It's a great way to make friends and keep you busy and active

Do you know what clubs/societies are on available to you? If you missed the Freshers Fair, pop down to the SU or go on their website to make yourself aware of what's going and how you can sign up or even start your own society. 

Got any questions? Comment on the video or message us on Instagram: Sean | Ailson

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SeanAndAilson a duo of creative athletic students studying Business Management and Marketing at Nottingham Trent University.
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