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Advice From a Graduate: Wellbeing

By SunnyVlogger 12 Sep 2019

Hi, Sunny again!

As I explained in my recent Browzer stories, I'm a recent university graduate and I want to try to help you out with the things I struggled with whilst I was at university.

I've covered a few different aspects of student life in recent vlogs but my 4th (and final) video is all about wellbeing. I can't stress how important it is to take care of your mental wellbeing at university - it's just as important as your physical health!

Remember, you're not alone in any of your low and dark periods and when you're feeling like this, please speak to someone. Help is always available.

For my advice on other aspects of student life, head over to YouTube to watch all the videos in my 'Advice From a Graduate' series.

Good luck with your first year of university and your whole student experience!

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SunnyVlogger a Birmingham City University graduate where he studied Marketing and Advertising and loves coffee and travelling.
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advice, Wellbeing, Vlog,