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My TOP house hunting tips

By CarlaBlogger 12 Sep 2019

Started thinking about where you'll live next year?

If the answer is yes, I'm here to help!

When I started looking for a house with my group of friends last year it was a pretty stressful experience and I want to help you avoid some of the mistakes I made.

My main piece of advice is just don't rush. Good things take time and you don't need to sign for the first house you see; no matter how much your friends, landlords and estate agents try to rush you! I'd also suggest that you take time over the Christmas holidays to really think about where you want to live and WHO you want to live with. You'll always find a house; don't end up signing for something unsuitable.

If you've got any questions, speak to your Accommodation Team or your SU Team on campus who will be happy to help you make the right decision for you!

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CarlaBlogger currently studying Neuroscience at the University of Manchester, likes to travel the world, to play Quidditch, and curling up with a good book to read.
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