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Do you need extra cover?

By bzellie 05 Aug 2020

When you begin uni you'll soon realise your laptop is one of the most important items when it comes to your studies, assignments and not to mention watching your favourite boxsets on Netflix...

So if something were to happen to it, you'll want it replaced quickly, right?!

a close up of a person using a laptop computer

Insuring your possessions whether it's your mobile or laptop, may seem like such an 'adult job' but something you'll thank yourself for in the long run. If you were to lose your iPad or your laptop was stolen it can make a big dent in your wallet having to replace them. Getting some student-friendly (cheap and cheerful) insurance for these will save yourself (or your parents) a lot of money.

Here are just a few benefits of the extra cover;

  • Any laptop or tablet insured, UK wide, up to the value of £1,250
  • No excess to pay in the event of a claim
  • 24-hour replacement service once the claim has been approved - perfect!
  • No specification of laptop needed
    You don't have to specify the make or model of the laptop you're insuring
a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden table

If you're someone who has more gadgets than just a laptop you might be wondering if you can insure these too?

Sure! Endsleigh's 'Everywhere Student Pack' allows you to insure all of your gadgets, from your mobile to your Fitbit, even your headphones, and covers you outside of your room, something that can help put your mind at ease when you're out and about! 

All you need to do is confirm your cover here and upgrade - simple!

a bunch of items that are sitting on a table


insurance, Endsleigh,