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Advice From a Graduate: Deadlines & Exams

By SunnyVlogger 11 Sep 2019

Hi, Sunny again!

As I explained in my recent Browzer story, I'm a recent university graduate and I want to try to help you out with the things I struggled with whilst I was at university.

I've addressed two of the most practical life skills as a university student, budgeting and cooking, and now I thought I'd move over to the academic side of things. 

Everyone studies differently (and that's ok) but I've tried to include some bits of advice that I think will to help everyone in one way or anything. You'll need to start revising and meeting deadlines before you know it - it's best to start early and get yourself prepared. Trust me on that one! 

For my advice on other aspects of student life, head over to YouTube to watch all the videos in my 'Advice From a Graduate' series.

Good luck with your first year of university and your whole student experience!

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SunnyVlogger a Birmingham City University graduate where he studied Marketing and Advertising and loves coffee and travelling.
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