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The lengths you'll go to when you're skint

By BZashleigh 12 Sep 2019

If you're like me, it probably feels like a lifetime ago since your student loan dropped and already you're counting down the days until the next one!

We all have different ways of scrimping and saving and sometimes we're not proud of the things we do. Just remembering that you're a student makes you feel a little better though because it's expected, right?

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Here are just a few of the things you might find yourself doing as your student loan starts to runs out: 

1. The Supermarket Sweep
Lingering in the supermarket waiting for the staff to stick the reduced labels on things. Because who doesn't need a whole cooked chicken at 9pm even though it's out of date tomorrow? It's only a quid so you just have to! 

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2. The savvy saucer 
On that rare trip to Nandos, you collect all of the spare sauce sachets because you ran out of ketchup weeks ago at home. When times are really hard, unused napkins can replace loo roll too. Extra tip: Don't forget plastic/wooden cutlery to save the washing up! 

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3. A washing machine, what's that?
Avoiding washing your bedding for weeks on end because you're poor and can't sacrifice those couple of pounds for the washer. Naturally, other things take priority like nights out and Netflix subscriptions, obviously

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4. Cereal is for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
The meal-prep diet has now somehow faded away and you find yourself living off the same food for every meal of the day. Yes, I'm having couscous for breakfast and toast for my dinner, don't judge! Sound familiar?

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5. If you don't check your balance, you can't be skint
Ignorance is bliss, right? Avoiding your bank balance then crossing your fingers every time you pay for something that your card won't get declined is not a way to live! 

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If you need help with your finances, there's always someone you can talk to. Head to Student Support or your SU Teanfor some extra advice or give your parents/guardians a quick call.