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Movember isn't just for men!

By bzbeth 19 Sep 2019

November, already?! 

Time is flying by but we aren't complaining, especially when we have Bonfire Night and cosy autumnal nights to look forward too. Don't forget Movember too.

Movember isn't just celebrating a time when the men we know and love grow a questionable moustache, it's also the time to raise awareness of men's mental health and the serious issues that men battle every single day. 

Naturally, you'd assume that Movember is something for men or maybe even some women who would brave a moustache, but that's where you're wrong. There are things that women can do for Movember too.

What can I do?

No, you don't have to run a marathon or 5k, but there are ways that you can have your input. You could become a Mo Sista. These are the women who really get behind Movember by supporting everything that it's about - improving overall male health and wellbeing! By just supporting the movement and sharing this support digitally, you can make a difference and raise awareness. Otherwise...

  • Talk to your loved ones. It's well-proven that men really struggle to speak about their mental health and their low mood/anxieties. It's also proven that male suicide continues to rise, especially amongst young men. When men feel that they have nobody to speak to, they see no way out. Be their way out. Check-in with them regularly by calling, texting or just going to their flat and see how they are. If they are acting out of character, ask them if they want to talk and see what's bothering them. 
  • Encourage them to go to the doctors. If you have male friends, a boyfriend or male relatives, you'll know that men (typically) don't tend to go to the doctors without being encouraged to do so. With certain illnesses like Testicular Cancer and Prostate Cancer only affecting men, they should be checking themselves regularly or having a check-up at the doctors. Give your loved ones a gentle push to make an appointment and show them how important it is to do so.

Encouraging men to talk is essential and can make a life-changing difference. Not just this, don't forget to sponsor who you can for Movember. As a university student, you will have lots of opportunities to sponsor your fellow students so keep an eye out on social media, in halls or even at your SU.

Remember that no matter how happy people look or even when they're quieter than normal, you don't know everything that's happening in someone's life, always be kind.