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Leaving halls for Christmas?

By bzbeth 24 Sep 2019

Can you believe that your first term is nearly over, already?!

We're sure that by now the countdown to Christmas has begun and the thought of Christmas dinner is getting closer.

BUT you don't want to get 2020 off to an untidy and smelly start!

Before driving home for Christmas, you need to pack your things and most importantly, leave your flat nice and tidy. Moving out can be stressful, even if you're only going home for a few weeks. To make it as least stressful as possible, leave yourself enough time so that you're not rushing last minute.

To save yourself from any nasty surprises in January, here are the essential things you need to do before putting your feet up for Christmas:

1. Take food out the fridge

In your last week(s), get creative and make meals with things you've got leftover in the fridge/cupboards. If you have things that you don't think you'll use, either bin or donate them. There are food banks nearby accepting donations so help those who really need it.

2. Empty the bins

It's no good throwing off food in the bin and leaving it to sit in the kitchen for 3/4 weeks. Save the smelliness and empty your bins into the communal ones outside. Make sure everyone is pulling their weight though - ask your flatmates to help out.

3. Clean your room

It may seem like a chore but you'll thank yourself when you come back to a clean and tidy room after the Christmas break. If you need some cleaning inspo, follow 'Mrs Hinch' on Instagram. She knows all the best cheap cleaning hacks! 

4. Pack the clothes you don't wear anymore

After bringing everything you own to uni in September, did you soon realise you only really need half of it? Now is the time to take it home with you to free up space - you might need it for Christmas presents or the shopping you do in the sales!

5. Tidy communal areas

Ask all of your flatmates to come together to do a big clean of the kitchen and bathroom (if you have a communal one). By allocating everyone a different job, it means that everyone has a part to play and it will take half the time.

6. Turn off lights/electricals

Your bills may be included in your rent but it's still important to pay attention to how much energy you could be wasting and the impact that this has on the environment. Don't forget that electricals can overheat and start a fire which is the LAST thing you want!

7. Lock windows and doors

Double-check everything is locked and all windows are shut when you are leaving; better to be safe than sorry.

However you're spending the Christmas break, enjoy it. You've most definitely earned it! Don't forget to make some time for revision though!