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A student guide: Self-isolation

By bzellie 23 Mar 2020

This is a weird time for everyone and self-isolating is probably something that most of us have never done before, who knew that this is what 2020 had planned for us all!

If you haven't started self-isolating yet then, unfortunately, it might be something that becomes necessary and instead of offering medical advice, we're here to keep everyone sane with a guide to self-isolation.

Make the best of a bad situation
We can stay frustrated and angry at the situation but that's not going to help anyone, especially yourself. It may be best to accept the situation and try to make the best out of a rubbish scenario, you've got so much extra time on your hands that you definitely hadn't planned for so it's time to get some stuff done.

By no means, it's going to be easy but we've got some suggestions to try and make the time pass a little quicker...

a close up of a clock

Break the days into manageable chunks
Block off one or two hours in the day and decide an activity for each of these chunks. Don't look too far ahead, there is a lot of uncertainty and we don't know how long we may have to self-isolate for, so focus on every day as it comes. If it helps, draw out a timetable and fill it with activities for each block, you can colour it in nicely (this could be your first-hour block).

a close up of a laptop and a calendar

Get into a routine
Blocking out time and writing it on a timetable will give you that motivation you need. Don't stay in bed all day (unless you are actually ill), get up at a reasonable time when it's daylight and go to bed at a reasonable time. Getting a good nights sleep will make you feel refreshed and more positive to face the day ahead. 

a cup of coffee

Finish off work
You may have a deadline soon or piece of work you've already completed but want to perfect, this is your chance. Do some extra research or look up at what bonus point you can get for extra bits of work, make it something you are really proud of. If you've not got any work to finish, why not start something you've always wanted to, like write a blog or start a YouTube channel, get creative.

a person writing in a calendar

Home workouts
Whether you're a gym lover or have never stepped foot in a gym before, this is a great time to get creative with doing some fitness at home. There are hundreds of videos on YouTube of home workouts or your favourite fitness influencers on Instagram might have already started uploading some great way to stay fit in the comfort of your own home. This is a GREAT way to break up your day and if you can go outside, even better, just be guided by up to date medical advice.

a woman doing yoga

Be sociable online
You may be away from loved ones or friends so picking up the phone or FaceTiming them will be your best friend in this situation. Don't isolate yourself even more than already necessary, make sure that you have a conversation online every day with at least someone. Whatsapp group chats are great things to have to set up with your friends or family members to help each other through this period.

a man on facetime

Take time to relax
If you've been dying to watch a series for a very long time and you've not been able to get round to it, here is your perfect opportunity. Make a nest in your room or communal space and get comfy, this is a great time to actually rest, uni life can be stressful and taking some 'you' time can be the last thing on the priority list, well now you can.

a woman with headphones on

Organise your life
And finally, have a clear out. Sorting through all your clothes and belongings can be a really good cleanse, even though this may seem like a chore you'll but you'll feel so much better after it. This will be perfect if you brought absolutely everything from home when you came to uni in September.

The main thing we can do is keep positive, continue to keep in contact with friends and family and we'll get through this together.

The article above is written by Dr Dominique Thompson on the Truestudent blog and has been adapted by browzer.


COVID-19, Wellbeing,