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spoons theory


Spoons Theory Crafting

By ResX 08 Mar 2024

Join us for a soothing and therapeutic Spoon Decorating Event, inspired by the Spoon Theory. The Spoon Theory, a metaphor used to explain the limited energy reserves of individuals with chronic illnesses or disabilities, resonates deeply with many in the neurodiverse community. Each day, individuals start with a finite number of "spoons," representing units of energy. Every activity, from getting out of bed to completing tasks, requires a certain number of spoons. Once the spoons are used up, there's no more energy left for the day.

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Location: Your common room or dining room
Date: Wednesday 13 March 2024, 
Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm


Photography and Filming

We have photographers and filmmakers at some of our events to capture footage to share online and for use in future promotional materials. If you don't want to be featured, please inform a member of the team.