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Where to get support on campus

By HWResLife 11 Aug 2022

Moving away from the comfort of home means there will be lots of new things to get to grips with.

Whether it's knowing where to go for maintenance issues, who to contact in an emergency or who you can speak to if you're struggling with anything -  Heriot-Watt has lots of options.

Below are various departments that cover a whole range of support so you can enjoy every aspect of student life. 

Perhaps you have an issue with your accommodation contract, something doesn't sit right with you or you spotted an omission. No worries! Just email with all your enquiries. They respond to you in no time. The friendly Main Reception team are also ready to help with all your campus enquiries - give them an email on - if they can't help they will refer you to the department that can.

And yes, I know, you’re probably wondering, “what do I do when something in my room is not working properly” don’t panic when this happens, just scan the QR code in your kitchen, provide details of the problem and the maintenance team will get it sorted!

If it is an emergency– such as flooding, or complete loss of power – then contact SafeGuarding (below) right away. 

Wellbeing & Disability
Starting a new Academic year can be strenuous at times and yes you may need professional help or perhaps just need to open up to someone about a personal problem. The University Wellbeing Services provides you with a range of support, guidance and advice to help you be your best and get the most from your university experience.  Reasons you may wish to contact the Wellbeing or Disability teams include if you 

  • Require support for mental health, or something is worrying you 
  • You think you may have a disability, including dyslexia, and are wondering what to do
  • You wish to receive support or report an incidence of bullying or harassment

ResLife also makes your university experience as fruitful as the Wellbeing services do. Not pairing up with your flatmates well so far? or perhaps you just fancy a warm cup of hot chocolate over a chat. Walk into the Christina Miller Hub. It's open Monday to Sunday 9am to 10pm, or email 

So here’s the thing - we are committed to making students enjoy their stay on campus. This is why we have a 24-hour emergency department on standby. Are you having an emergency, you’re ill but feel it is too late, or perhaps you got locked out of your room, don’t hesitate to pick up the red phone in your hall, call 0131 451 3500 or email They are always ready to help.  

Advice Hub
The Student Union Advice Hub Is located opposite the Student Union shop; you could walk in and have a chat with them or ask for advice on just about anything and they more than likely will have answers to all your concerns. Alternatively, you can email them at 

Medical Centre
Don't forget to register with the GP. The Riccarton General Practice is situated right on the campus and is open Monday to Friday 6am to 6pm

You can also check out the awesome Ask HWU, Uni's web-based application delivering personalised student support whenever it is needed. It aims to be first point of contact for student’s enquiries. It is super easy to access, anytime and anywhere - as long as your device is connected to internet. 


Advice, Arrivals, Support,