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Top 6 stress-free study tips

By Dharangini 07 Nov 2022

Exams can be a stressful time, so getting your study techniques and routine nailed down is important

To help, hear from Dharangini who gives her top 6 study tips for a stress free exam period...


1. Understand your course content
Figure out how much you already know so then you can focus on what you need to learn.

2. Make a to-do list
Write down what assignments you have and all the deadlines so you keep them in mind and are on track.

3. Use the Pomodoro technique
This is a great place to start when studying, it helps you concentrate and is an effective time management technique.

4. Have a good sleep
Getting the correct amount of hours sleep each night will help you feel energised and will help you concentrate.

5. Watch your diet
Can be easy to binge out when studying, but instead try and eat a balanced diet - another way to help yu feel good whilst studying.

6. Breathe, relax and have a productive free-time
Get out for a walk with friends, speak to your loved ones or start reading your favourite book. Reward yourself for studying and don't get yourself down with the amount of work you have.

Top Tip:
Studying throughout the week so on the weekends you have them to enjoy guilt-free and stress-free!

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Dharangini I am pursuing an MSc in Business Analytics and Consultancy and this is my very first time studying and living abroad. I had completed my Bachelor's in Management Studies earlier this year and decided to pursue Masters soon after graduation. Apart from that, my hobbies are reading, painting, watching movies, listening to songs, cooking and trying new things.
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