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Packing for uni: The clothing essentials

By bzellie 30 Jul 2023

Making sure you pack everything you need can be stressful, so we've put a list together for all the clothing essentials to keep you going for the first few months...

  • Winter coat
  • A light jacket (to throw on if you're heading to lectures and it's not cold enough for a big winter coat)
  • Hat, scarf, gloves (waterproof gloves can be useful if it snows)
  • Hoodies and jumpers
  • T-shirts/ shirts and other tops
  • Joggers/ leggings
  • Trousers/ jeans and shorts/ skirts
  • Loungewear
  • Smart clothing (if you go for a job interview)
  • Shoes (going out/smart shoes, boots, trainers etc)
  • Slippers
  • Pyjamas
  • Dressing gown
  • Sports clothes/ swimwear
  • Fancy dress outfits
  • Underwear

As it'll be autumn/winter when you arrive, and knowing the English weather, you won't need any of your summer clothes during these months so save yourself some wardrobe space and bring these to uni when you next visit home.

If you do forget anything don't worry, there are plenty of cheap clothing shops where you can pick up anything you need!