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Harshita's tips for making friends at uni

By Harshita 05 Oct 2022

One of the most daunting aspects of moving to uni is meeting new people and building friendships. The good news is that everybody is in the same boat and will likely be feeling just as anxious as you. 

If you're still finding your feet and unsure of where to start when it comes to making friends, Harshita has shared her top tips for meeting new people at uni...


✅ Join Facebook groups
Meet people before you even arrive and strike up conversations online. 
✅ Keep your door open
Let people know you're free for a chat.
Join a society 
There are SO many societies at Heriot-Watt to choose from. Try something completely different or find your fave hobby and meet like-minded people.
✅ Hang out in the common room 
The perfect space to bump into your fellow flatmates and start a conversation.
✅ Sit next to people in lectures
Remember, they've chosen the same course as you so you already have something in common! 
Meet people at Freshers' events
Everybody is in the same boat so go for it! There's always Res Life events throughout the year as well so don't put too much pressure on yourself in your first few weeks. 
✅ Introduce yourself
Be brave! Others will be feeling apprehensive too so don't be afraid to go up to people and say hello. 



Freshers, Advice, Blog,