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a bedroom with a bed and desk in a room


Cleaning tips – room inspection edition

By Aditya 07 Feb 2023

Keeping the flat and your room clean can seem like a task but it can also be fun!

Having a clean and tidy space not only increases our productivity but our mood too. I can definitely feel a difference in my mood when my room is clean and tidy, it just becomes a more enjoyable place to be and relax.

I usually dust the surfaces regularly in my room when I notice but weekly I do complete a deep clean up using anti-bacterial spray. if cleaning is really not your time, try putting on your favourite music or challenge yourself to put away 10 items and see how far you get!

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Aditya I am a 21 year old guy from India, currently pursuing my Masters in International Business Management with Industry Placement. I like travelling, reading and capturing moments of my life through pictures and videos.
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