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Lost your key? Locked out?

By SSilanskaite 18 Aug 2016

It happens! Every year...

Throughout the term, we see some of our residents in their pyjamas, or in last night's clothes, when their door locks behind them or they've lost their key…

If you lost your key come to reception to report it as soon as possible. It's for your own safety! At the same time you will be issued with a new key. Unfortunately you will be charged for the replacement key but if you manage to find it within seven days you will be fully refunded.

Locked out?

Just pop up to your site reception and we will safely let you in to your bedroom.

Just be more careful with your keys... 

One of the ways to get yourself known to the Halls staff (and not in a good way, let me tell you from experience!) is to be that student who is constantly forgetting their keys and locking themselves out.

Not only does this waste time for you and the staff, it can also prove costly as normally after a certain amount of lockouts you end up being charged for the privilege of being let back in. Just think of the money you could lose! 


Residences, Keys, Lost,