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FREE Sport Equipment to hire in Halls

By hannahk 10 Jun 2024

Sports equipment packs are now available to hire and use in your Hall reception!

To encourage as many of our residents to get as active as possible, you can now hire sport equipment from your own Hall for free. Here's what you'll find in the equipment pack in your hall:

  • Greenbank: TT, Badminton, Spikeball, Pickleball, Rounders, Nerf Howler, Frisbee
  • Vine, Melville & Tudor: TT, Badminton, Spikeball, Rounders, Nerf Howler Frisbee
  • Crown: TT, Badminton, Rounders, Nerf Howler, Frisbee
  • Philharmonic: TT, Badminton, Spikeball, Frisbee
  • Dover: TT, Badminton, Spikeball, Frisbee 

Sport Equipment packs are available currently in Crown Place reception, Vine Court reception, Greenbank reception, Dover and Philharmonic reception. Melville and Tudor students can access sport equipment from Vine Court reception.

How to hire equipment:

All you need to do is head to your Hall reception and scan the QR provided to complete the hire form. Once you've completed the form, you will hand in your Student ID card to reception (the form will also ask for your room number). You can hire either one item or a few pieces of equipment at a time!

Your student ID card will be returned to you when you return the equipment. Students who hire the equipment are responsible for returning the equipment.

Please note the items are first come, first served.


Please engage with the equipment safely. We recommend that you wear appropriate clothing and footwear and use the equipment in an appropriate space.

Please use instructions provided with the equipment or get in touch if you have any questions.