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Arts & Crafts - Health Benefits

By FLrla 16 Feb 2022

The passion involved in the act of creating something can effect your health positively. If you pain, sculpture, draw or like taking photos, you have been through your hobbies been involved in enhancing your health. While I am sure you're taking enjoyment out of your own hobbies, the arts and crafts also help your self-esteem, increase your brain productivity and help lessening the effects of serious health conditions as you release feel more at ease and release the bad energies from your body. 

Stress Relief 

An american study has recently found that, people who engage in arts and crafts tend to feel a sense of peace and relieve through Arts & Crafts which created positive emotions while people were immersed in their creations as there was a break factor that transported individuals to a stress free environment and focus on the task at hand. 

Confidence Boost

Finishing a piece of work on your creative journey always provides a burst of self-esteem that enhances your mood by bringing more dopamine into your system. Dopamine helps reducing the feelings of depressiona and generates confidence. It's the ability to create something new out of nothing that brings people that joy and feeling of accomplishment that can really go along way to naturally promote happiness.

Enhances brain productivity

With the dopamine in your body provided by the engagement in a creative task and/or conclusion of one enhances the creation of neurons that promotes focus, concentration and ultimately prepares the brain to learn new things. By engaging both hemispheres of the brain, you boost your psychological resilence and well being.

brain health