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North Campus


Meet the Team: North Campus RLAs

By bzellie 01 Aug 2021

Your North Campus RLAs live on site with you and will be running events for you throughout the year. Meet them below!


Name: Freya

Hometown: West Midlands

Course: Architecture

Project Group: Craft

Hobbies: Art, reading and travelling.

Describe yourself in three words: Approachable, considerate and reliable.

Message to the students in your Residence: Hope you enjoy Cardiff and have a good year! 


Name: Gamu

Hometown: Oxford

Course: Medical Pharamcology

Project Group: Social Media

Hobbies: Chess, rifle club, exercise.

Describe yourself in three words: Virtuous, enigmatic and dynamic.

Message to the students in your Residence: I hope this message finds you well and thriving in your student residence! As your Residence Life Assistant, I wanted to remind you of a few important things. Firstly, don't forget to prioritize self-care amidst your studies. Take breaks, get enough sleep, and engage in activities that bring you joy. Secondly, remember to foster a sense of community within our residences. Attend floor events, join study groups, and make an effort to connect with your fellow residents. Lastly, if you ever need support or have any concerns, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's make this residence a vibrant and supportive home for all!


Name: Hanan

Hometown: Ontario, Canada

Course: Law

Project Group: Halls Association

Hobbies: Reading, TV, movies, walking.

Describe yourself in three words: Bright, friendly and loyal.

Message to the students in your Residence: Don't be afraid to approach me for a chat, whether it's something mundane or to ask for some advice. My ear is always available!


Name: Annabel

Hometown: Suffolk

Course: Architecture

Project Group: Craft

Hobbies: Running, cycling, photography and playing the drums and guitar.

Describe yourself in three words: Caring, approachable and helpful.

Message to the students in your Residence: Moving to a new city can be overwhelming, but having stayed at Aberdare hall in my first year, everyone was very welcoming and friendly. I will be available to listen to any of your worries or questions you may have, to help you settle in and make Cardiff a home away from home. I look forward to seeing you all at the Res life Craft events!


Name: Jananii

Hometown: Malaysia

Course: Law

Project Group: Cultural Holidays

Hobbies: Watching movies, reading, hiking.

Describe yourself in three words: Reliable, fun and chill.

Message to the students in your Residence: It may be daunting coming to a new place all on your own, but the fact that you are here now is proof that you have already taken the first step and it will only get easier and more fun from here!! PS: If you need ever need to talk about anything or have any questions, you can approach any one of us and we will try to help you to the best of our abilities!!


Team, RLAs, North Campus,