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two people smiling and posing for the photo


GIFs to make you smile and stress less

By UALHalls 06 Apr 2022

There is no denying a cute picture of a pet can spark an instant ‘aww’ but what you may not realise is the presence of animals can be a form of therapy to reduce stress. 😄

You can't deny that these little bundles of joy don't put a smile on your face...

POV: It's the last day of term

Saying goodbye to your uni friends before going back home for the holidays

That feeling after spending the whole day in the library to finish up your deadline

POV: Your tutor is talking about next year's work on the last day 🙃

Going out with your friends knowing you don't have class the next day

When your tutor asks who wants to present next/give feedback

Waking up for a 10am class

POV: Getting home at 3am and trying to be quiet to not wake up your flatmates

Hiding away from your responsibilities be like

When you see all the events The Social Programme is offering

Remember that if you're struggling, you can always speak to one of your Hall Committee members if you are feeling down. Get in contact by emailing (please reference your hall in the subject line)

Please be reassured that everything you discuss will be dealt with confidentially and sensitively.